Are you telling your story?

Stories can impact our lives in ways that are unforeseen whether it’s your own story, or someone else’s. I believe any story has miles of power whether it shows up right away or somewhere down the road. The only question I have for you is are you telling yours? There are many reasons a story should be told. Here are the top three reasons I’ve learned to tell mine.

Your Story Matters

            Truthfully, I haven’t always wanted to tell my story because the word “inspiration” gets tossed into the conversation almost instantly. I want to make an impact in others’ lives, but not for the reasons you may think. My friends and I, in the disability community, might be labeled an “inspiration” just for breathing. Now, I do have friends that use certain tools to help them breathe, but it’s just part of their story and they’re grateful for those things that help them. For me, I hope I can teach and show others that story matters beyond their circumstances and it’s what we do within those circumstances that makes our story matter.

Your Story Does Make An Impact

            Even when we think our story won’t have an impact, our story determines the power. I remember when I was little I was one of the few children with a disability that attended public school. Through some of my experiences, the staff, my parents, as well as myself learned there had to be some major changes. Unfortunately, some of these changes took place after I graduated from high school, but I take pride in being a pioneer and helping pave the way for future students when it comes to accessibility. This wouldn’t have happened had my story not had an impact.

Make Sure You’re The One Telling Your Story

I’ve come to realize the importance of YOU telling your story. Now, I’m NOT saying you shouldn’t listen to ideas, or take suggestions from others about the direction of your story, but you’re the writer, so make sure the chapters align with the story you want to be told. The chapters may change and that’s ok, however always remember you’re the author!