We Don’t All Get Trophies!

We Don’t All Get a Trophy

            “No one can do everything, but everyone can do something.” To me, this quote by Max Lucado can be taken two ways. No one is perfect, so don’t try to accomplish everything in one day. We can, however, all do one thing per day to get us closer to what we want to achieve. The second way to view this is we ALL have limitations, disabled or not, but all of us can contribute. However, I feel that sometimes contributing should be enough for people and it’s not.

            In my opinion, the attitude in society has gone from let me contribute (which should be our attitude) to an attitude of I want it, so let me have it despite whatever our limitations are. For example, there were so many times when I was applying for work as a preschool teacher where the work had to be spread out among everyone, so no one felt overworked. There were parts of the position I was going to NEED to physically accomplish in order to fulfill my duties and if I couldn’t do what was required of me, I wasn’t going to be hired. I was OK with this. In my mind, if you can’t compete like you’re expected to then feel what you want to feel, but move on to your next competition in life.

            Lastly, if you DO get the chance to compete in whatever life throws your way, but maybe not to the full extent as everyone else, be grateful for the chance to compete at all. Don’t ask for more just because you feel you deserve it. Sadly, we as a society live in this mindset now where we all think where’s my trophy? Instead of thinking when’s my next competition? My challenge for all of us is to find joy and satisfaction in the pursuit of competition even when the trophy isn’t within our reach!

For more of The Wheel Truth, take a look at my book!